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UX Research Report Template: Smartwatch for Fitness Enthusiasts

by Siddhartha Gudipati
UX Research Report
Smartwatch for Fitness Enthusiasts
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Hi everyone,

I'm excited to share the results of our recent UX research on a smartwatch for fitness enthusiasts. We conducted an eye-tracking study to analyze user behavior and understand how they interact with the watch's features.

This research is crucial because smartwatches are a growing market with a lot of potential. By understanding what users want and need from a smartwatch, we can create a product that is successful in the marketplace.


We used the following methods to gather data:

  • Eye-tracking study with 10 fitness enthusiasts

  • Participants were asked to complete a series of tasks using the smartwatch, such as tracking their heart rate, monitoring their workout progress, and checking their notifications.

  • Their eye movements were tracked to see where they focused their attention on the watch face and how they interacted with the different features.

This approach allowed us to gain a deep understanding of how users interact with smartwatches and identify any usability issues.

Key insights

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Users love the convenience of having a fitness smartwatch.

It provides them quick access to health data and workout monitoring without needing their phone.

Emphasize the smartwatch's convenience as a core selling point in marketing and design, streamlining features for on-the-go use.

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Users appreciate tracking fitness data and monitoring their progress

They enjoy seeing improvements over time.

Develop more robust data visualization tools within the smartwatch interface and companion app. Include options for customizable displays and easy-to-understand progress charts.

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The current watch face is cluttered and difficult to read.

This impedes the quick access users desire.

Redesign the watch face with a focus on clarity. Prioritize the most used features (time, heart rate, workout stats) and use clear visual hierarchy.

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Users struggle to find the features they need efficiently

Navigation is unclear and menus are too dense.

Simplify navigation using intuitive icons and a streamlined menu structure. Consider adding a search functionality for quick feature access.

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The touchscreen interface needs improvement

Users find it unresponsive or overly sensitive at times.

Thoroughly test touchscreen responsiveness and sensitivity. If possible, add physical buttons for key functions to provide an alternative input method.

User quotes

"I love being able to track my workouts with my smartwatch, but it can be difficult to find the information I need on the watch face."

— Sarah, 35, yoga instructor

"I would use my smartwatch more if it were easier to navigate and use."

— John, 40, marathon runner


Overall, our research shows that there is a lot of potential for a smartwatch for fitness enthusiasts. However, there are some usability issues that need to be addressed. By implementing the recommendations outlined in this report, we can create a smartwatch that is more successful in the marketplace.

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